Every Drop Counts
Settling ponds can present operators with significant challenges. They can be hard to maintain, are costly, and ultimately can impact the efficiency of your operations due to both the time needed to clean them, and the material that can often be lost to them. And of course there are the potential risks that ponds can bring to the environment and how your operation manages water usage, and in some cases water scarcity, given the volumes of water required for settling ponds.
The CDE MicroPond is a holistic solution aimed at eliminating or reducing the use of settling ponds on site, providing water to areas where there’s traditionally shortages or droughts, and ultimately making sites safer, cleaner, and less costly to run.
MicroPond does this by bringing together two of CDE’s successful existing Water Management products under one solution-sell, the AquaCycle™ thickener and ProPress™ filter press, creating an environment which ensures increased plant efficiency, increased water availability via increased reuse, and increased recovery of high- value fines.

Every Saving Counts
When you’re dealing with water availability, every drop counts.
MicroPond will work your waste harder, recycling & reusing over 95% of your plant's wet processing water, adding value to your process, your profits and your planet.
Every Penny Counts
When you’re dealing with plant efficiency, every penny counts.
MicroPond will maximise your plant efficiency, maximise water reuse, and minimise loss of high-value fines, and minimise plant footprint, performance guaranteed, by eliminating the need for settling ponds, adding value to your process, your profits and your planet.
Ponds present risks to operators and the public with the potential for injury or death. The combination of sticky mud and water could be lethal. Operators are at potential risk when they maintain ponds. The introduction of a MicroPond solution eliminates the need for settling ponds and the added risk they bring to your site.
Ponds run the risk of being overwhelmed or collapsing during weather events, such as heavy rain or storms. Subsequent breaches can cause flooding, river pollution, damage habitat or private property. In some regions, environmental insurance bonds are required by operators, and with more regulations around the management of water on site, it's important for operators to consider the impact of ponds on the environment.
Ponds take up larges spaces on customers sites and degrade bio-diversity. By introducing MicroPond you can significantly reduce the footprint of your wash plant operation.
Ponds require continual maintenance, which is costly. Specialist equipment such as dredging excavators and support infrastructure are required. MicroPond can eliminate this continued pond maintenance while also providing a dry cake which can have several end uses for operators, reduces waste and providing a closed loop for your water and sludge management on site.

ProPress is a filter press, redesigned from the ground up. Built for the waste recycling industry, ProPress uses a dual feed and increased chamber volume to handle more material, producing a dryer cake product, while recycling 95% of its process water.
The CDE ProPress is specifically designed for the efficient dewatering of sludge in CD&E waste recycling, quarrying and mining applications. This innovative solution incorporates the latest in robotic technology and automation to ensure safe, efficient operation while reducing cycle times and operating costs, to help maximise processing outputs.

Efficient Water Management
The AquaCycle™ thickener is a single, compact, and user-friendly unit that can be applied to high and low tonnages across many markets. It is a highly efficient water management solution that minimises costly water consumption by ensuring up to 90% of the process water is recycled for immediate recirculation.
By recycling up to 90% of process water, the requirement for settling ponds is greatly reduced. When combined with a CDE ProPress filter press this figure increases to 95%, removing the need for settling ponds altogether.