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Brewster Brothers Cumbernauld

Brewster Brothers invest in second CDE plant to transform C,D&E waste into high performing recycled aggregates.




C&D Waste, Excavation Waste


0-2mm fine sand, 0-4mm coarse sand, 4 – 10mm, 10 – 20mm, 20 -40mm, and 40 – 80mm aggregates, filter cake.

End Use
Drainage Stone
Sub Base
Pipe Bedding
Cable Laying
Construction Products

Our waste recycling solution drives circular economy in the west side of Central Scotland.

Brewster Brothers has invested in a second 150tph facility in Cumbernauld to transform C,D&E waste into high performing recycled aggregates.

We have commissioned a second construction, demolition and excavation (C,D&E) waste recycling plant for Scotland-based firm Brewster Brothers.

Brewster Brothers, which has origins dating back to 1954, has transitioned over the years from farming to property management then quarry restoration and, since 2017, it has been operating as a resource management business.

Brewster Brothers is a 3rd generation family business specialising in the production of high performing recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste, extracting sand and gravel fraction from excavation waste generated from new developments.

The business offers a circular solution to the construction industry, with a closed loop recycling process. Around half of its customer base is civil engineering contractors or ground workers.

Brewster Brothers serves the construction industry in the Scottish Central Belt through two locations, Drumshoreland near Livingston and Gartshore by Cumbernauld. Both sites have state-of-the-art wash CDE plants that turn construction, demolition and excavation waste into high performing recycled aggregate.

The original site at Drumshoreland, which has been operational since 2018 and home to the firm’s headquarters, is built on a restored shale bing and serves the east side of central Scotland.



In 2023, Brewster Brothers’ second recycling facility in Gartshore opened to serve the west side of Central Scotland.

With construction and demolition accounting for around half of all waste produced in Scotland1, Brewster Brothers wanted to contribute more to the circular economy and provide sand and aggregates for use in construction projects across the west side of central Scotland.

In Scotland’s bid to achieve net zero by 2045, it has set out measures and targets for waste reduction across many sectors, including construction. At present, Scotland is on track in achieving its goal of reducing total waste of arisings by 15% against 2011 levels which has been strongly linked to the scale of construction and demolition activity2. This plant not only allows for the repurposing of construction and demolition materials but will also support the reduction of carbon emissions.

Commenting on the decision to invest in a second CDE waste recycling plant, Scott Brewster, Managing Director of Brewster Brothers said: “The expansion of Brewster Brothers reflects the growing recognition within the construction industry of the need to adopt more circular business models. The industry generates 50% of Scotland’s waste, 40% of Scotland’s carbon emissions and is responsible for 50% of Scotland’s natural resource consumption.

“By adding an additional plant, we’ve been able to divert over 1.7 million tons of C&D waste across our two sites. In doing so, we have saved 15,000 tonnes of carbon emissions."


A robust solution

The 150 tonnes per hour (tph) solution in Cumbernauld is comprised of our state-of-the-art technologies including R4500 primary scalping screen, AggMax™ scrubbing and classification system, EvoWash™ sand wash system, counter flow classification unit (CFCU) density and sizing classification system, AquaCyle™ high-rate thickener for primary stage water management and a filter press sludge dewatering system.

Affirming Brewster Brothers’ commitment to sustainability, the AquaCyle high-rate thickener recycles up to 90% of the processed water for immediate re-use in the system, retaining as much water within a closed-loop system. This, in turn, significantly reduces the need to source additional water, demonstrating Brewster Brothers’ commitments to preserving the water supply in the west of central Scotland.

The implementation of washing technology removes 99% of trash content. Any floating material within the RotoMax is floated off onto the trash screen, where it is de-watered and conveyed on to a stockpile.

“With this second plant, we are able to service 44% of the Scottish construction market, while keeping our own carbon footprint to a minimum. All of which has been possible through our strong relationship with CDE.”
Scott Brewster, Managing Director, Brewster Brothers

high quality products

With the second plant, Brewster Brothers can recycle 300,000 tonnes of waste annually, and is producing two sands, 0-2mm fine sand and 0-4mm coarse sand and four aggregates 4 – 10mm, 10 – 20mm, 20 -40mm, and 40 – 80mm rinsed oversize as well as filter cake.

Brewster Brothers’ recycled aggregates are widely used in applications such as, drainage stone, subbase, capping, pipe bedding and cable laying, accounting for 25% of sand and gravel used in construction. The vast majority of sand and gravel, the other 75%, is predominantly used inbound product production.

Scott Brewster continued: “It’s increasingly clear that the construction sector in Scotland appreciates the need to reduce both the volume of natural resources that the industry uses and the amount of carbon it emits, while also increasing use of recycled and secondary materials. The volume of construction, demolition and excavation by-product that’s been recycled over the last six years has grown enormously, and our investment into this second site demonstrates that there’s room for a further expansion in this area."



“Scotland has big ambitions for transitioning to a circular economy and is taking measures to encourage the use of recycled aggregates. In October last year, Scottish Parliament approved the Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration Bill which will replace the UK Aggregates Levy and will see taxing on the sale or use of aggregates consisting of freshly extracted rock, gravel or sand. To date, across both of our sites, we’ve saved customers over £2 million in aggregate tax, and over £4 million in landfill tax.

“We are striving to bring an innovative and pragmatic approach to improve environmental practice and raise awareness of the sustainable options available, which we are able to generate through CDE’s innovative technology."

Our Business Development Manager Fergal Campbell added: “Brewster Brothers is a forward-thinking company, with sustainability at the heart of everything it does. Scott and the team are so dedicated to providing quality, in-spec recycled aggregates to the Central Belt of Scotland, and CDE is proud to be the chosen partner. We are like-minded, and passionate about the industry, as we’ve seen through the development this fruitful and meaningful relationship.

“Our team has worked tirelessly to provide the most optimal solution for Brewster Brothers, so that they can better serve local communities and the wider construction industry in Scotland.”

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